My rescue draft horse LOVES treats! Upon adopting him, his obsession for looking for treats became so difficult to deal with, he would use his huge head to push and then search through your hands and clothes. I decided no more hand feeding for him, this was heartbreaking because I love hand feeding and want him to know how much I love him. As a result, he has become much more of a gentleman and has realized my hands don’t equal snacks. Recently I have contemplated using treats as a way for him to get excited about liberty and light riding, but am nervous about him turning into a Cookie Monster again. Thoughts?
My rescue draft horse LOVES treats! Upon adopting him, his obsession for looking for treats became so difficult to deal with, he would use his huge head to push and then search through your hands and clothes. I decided no more hand feeding for him, this was heartbreaking because I love hand feeding and want him to know how much I love him. As a result, he has become much more of a gentleman and has realized my hands don’t equal snacks. Recently I have contemplated using treats as a way for him to get excited about liberty and light riding, but am nervous about him turning into a Cookie Monster again. Thoughts?