Aug 19, 2022Liked by Renate Larssen

Horses that suddenly spook at objects they have seen before are deliberately “making this up to spite/protest the rider - must be shown who’s boss”

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

Ponies are naughtier than bigger horses (usually worded must nastier than this). There are so many reasons ponies struggle more than larger horses - NONE of them are naughtiness!

Ponies are routinely bullied and forced into submission simply because they're small enough we can usually get away with it, their pain and discomfort is ignored because they're 'just naughty' (the only time I've seen a pony get checked out by the vet is for obvious 3-legged lameness...), they're never given a proper education to show them what we actually want them to do, they don't have saddles or bits fitted, their hooves are often neglected, they're often overweight which can make movement more uncomfortable (particularly concussive movements like jumping!), they're often ridden by MUCH too large riders to 'tune them up', they don't receive the bodywork that larger horses get, they're passed around to home after home, they're usually kept as companions and left alone for long periods of time while other horses leave, they're often ridden by many different children who give conflicting aids and ride in physically painful ways (balancing on the reins, flopping around like a sack of potatoes), breeders wean them WAY too early and WAY too abruptly so kids can buy cute little baby horses...need I go on??

They get such a short hand in life, it makes me so upset!

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